Thank you for joining us at our virtual piano extravaganza
Photo: Pianists from our community perform the Corona Meditation.
It was so meaningful to connect with you, our dear community, this past weekend at our Virtual Piano Extravaganza featuring Anderson & Roe Piano Duo. We’d love to hear from you about your experience.
Watching the finished production was a thrill, and it’s fun to share what went on to make the magic happen. It was certainly a team effort and we are grateful that you all tuned in to share the fun.
To lift the curtain even further, Anderson & Roe Piano Duo went above and beyond this weekend, and now it’s time for them to debrief. Relive your favorite moments with them from this weekend with them by watching this video on their Facebook page! They begin discussing the special Virtual Extravaganza at minute 29, so feel free to start there or enjoy the video in its entirety.
Photo: Our executive director Bill Crane in the local studio.
This is the first of many online experiences that we will share with you. We may be physically distant during this time, but the music will go on—at least digitally for now.
To all of the volunteers, narrators, community pianists, photographers, videographers, production personnel, and more, we thank you for making this event a huge success!
Check out some more behind-the-scenes photos!