This program is funded by the Nellie Tholen Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation. It is specifically dedicated to the development of piano teaching in the state of Oregon.


The joy of piano playing and teaching — get it back!

“The piano is the easiest instrument to play in the beginning and the hardest to master in the end.”

–Vladimir Horowitz

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.” 

–C. S. Lewis

Piano Teachers, you are our heroes! the end of a long day of teaching piano students, do you find yourself inspired and ready for more or, frankly, a bit worn out? Do you long to have inspiration to pursue new music yourself, but need an outside boost?

No matter where you are in your piano teaching career, the Tholen Fellowships from Portland Piano International may be just the thing for you. Imagine a three-year program created just to inspire and improve your own playing and teaching! 

Everyone who plays, studies, and teaches the piano knows that it’s a lifelong process. A personal coach at any stage of one’s professional life can revitalize one’s own playing and spark ever more inspiring teaching.


Tholen Fellowships nurture you!

Working with Tholen master teachers, setting your own goals and working at your pace, you will be able to:

  • Explore your own playing and see how it might grow;

  • Re-connect with your passion for teaching, maybe even take it to a new level;

  • Benefit from 18 one-on-one master lessons over the three years, as well as various supplemental educational activities offered at each Tholen Fellowship session;

  • Be a part of a learning community;

  • Make important connections with fellow teaching colleagues;

  • Receive two complimentary tickets to the recital of your choice in the current main season.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B. B. King

You deserve this boost to your own artistry. You give so much to your students, every day!

“To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.” – Beethoven

We invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to embolden your feelings and skills at the piano. The new session begins in March 2025. To apply or for more information, please contact Robin Power at or 503-228-1388.

“We do not play the piano with our fingers, but with our minds.” –Glenn Gould


  • No. Even if you aren't a member of the OMTA, OFMC or any other music education association, we would be happy to consider your application. Those groups do good work, though, so you should also check them out!

  • We work to accommodate as many Tholen Fellows applicants as possible; most applicants are selected. Simply put, successful Tholen Fellows are teachers who are passionate about piano music and teaching! We seek those interested in improving their own abilities as musicians as a means of empowering them to take their teaching to the next level.

  • Yes. This is now a three-year program and we expect that you will participate in all six sessions. In cases of illness or other emergency, Fellows are allowed one absence from a session—an extra session will be tacked on the end of their term. In rare cases (illness, an unexpected move from Oregon, etc.), we have sought replacements for Fellows that have needed to discontinue their participation. This is an investment for everyone involved - you, our teaching faculty, our funder - and we want you to have the most benefit possible from the experience!

  • We ask those questions on the application form mostly to understand your experience and the level you are teaching. Your application will be shared with our teaching faculty so that they can help you achieve the goals that you set for yourself. These are not things that qualify or disqualify you from being a Tholen Fellow.

  • Fellows will study in-person in Portland. For those traveling from out of town, lodging and a travel stipend will be provided while in Portland.

  • Sessions are held two times per year, each during a power-packed weekend: Friday through Sunday. Sessions are held at Portland State University during student holidays (spring break and before fall term) so that Fellows can take advantage of studios and practice rooms in Lincoln Hall. Upcoming Tholen session dates are as follows:

    Friday - Sunday, September 19-21, 2025

    Friday - Sunday, March 27-29, 2026


Applications are now being accepted for 2026 start dates.

BEFORE APPLYING: Please read the FAQs above.

DIRECTIONS: Please fill out an application below and submit with the requested paperwork (see application for complete list requirements).

TO SUBMIT BY MAIL: Print out the application and mail it with the required attachments to our offices at PO Box 6469, Portland, OR 97228.

TO SUBMIT BY EMAIL: Save and scan a completed application and send it with the required attachments to